Visual Camp introduces Eye-tracking with standalone VR HMD at MWC2018
K-ICT Born-to-Global Center announced that VisualCamp, a member of this organization, has introduced its reference model of eye-tracking with standalone VR HMD(Head Mount Display) on Feb 28th at MWC2018 in Barcelona, Spain
Unlike the conventional PC-based eye tracking technology, VisualCamp’s eye-tracking provides UI and additional services through the software that tracks and analyzes the user’s gaze in mobile VR HMD and AR glasses.
Along with the trend that VR devices are developed as standalone type, VisualCamp is applying technology that reduces CPU utilization rate and battery consumption significantly for driving content in the untethered devices such as smart phones and standalone VR HMD. In addition, it supports various OS such as Android, Mac OS, Windows, and Linux, and has a wide range of use case. So, it can be applied to various fields such as consumer behavior analysis, advertisement effect analysis, marketing research and virtual retail, etc. based on the technology based on the gaze tracking.
Visual Camp has agreed with VR device manufacturers and contents developers from Spain, Turkey and other countries to supply the software developer kit(SDK) through product demonstration and discussion at MWC2018. Visual Camp is planning to enter the global market by supplying the SDK to VR HMD manufacturers and the contents creators in China and US with the successful product demonstrations and exhibitions at MWC 2018.
Yun-chan Suk, CEO of Visual Camp, said, “VisualCamp’s eye-tracking technology, which is optimized for new trends of mobile based VR HMD, will play a key role in contributing to the emergence of new platform business through the analysis and data of user’s gaze.” “We expect to be able to successfully enter the US and Europe in the near future,” he said.