VisualCamp, Woongjin Thinkbig, and Gooroomee sign MOU for A.I Learning platform development


[2020.09.16] VisualCamp sign MOU with Woogjin Thinkbig and Gooroomee for ...

VisualCamp, Woongjin Thinkbig, and Gooroomee sign MOU for A.I Learning platform development2020-12-29T11:45:28+09:00

VisualCamp and Dobrain have been selected as SK Impact Unicorn combined model contest. 


[2020.08.03] VisualCamp and Dobrain have been selected as SK Impact ...

VisualCamp and Dobrain have been selected as SK Impact Unicorn combined model contest. 2020-12-29T11:44:14+09:00

VisualCamp and Blaubit sign MOU to develop online eye tracking proctoring solution


[2020.07.22] VisualCamp, eye tracking software developing company and Blaubit, deep ...

VisualCamp and Blaubit sign MOU to develop online eye tracking proctoring solution2020-12-29T11:43:05+09:00

VisualCamp Launches SeeSo, Mobile Eye Tracking SDK-Aiming to alleviate some COVID-19 anxiety


  [2020.04.13] On the 13th of April, VisualCamp announced its ...

VisualCamp Launches SeeSo, Mobile Eye Tracking SDK-Aiming to alleviate some COVID-19 anxiety2020-12-29T11:39:53+09:00