VisualCamp honored with ‘Prime Minister’ award from Innovative Technology Show 2019.
[2019.8.26] Eye Tracking Company, VisualCamp won 'Prime Minister award' in Innovative Technology category from ITS(Innovative Technology Show) 2019 held in Seoul, Korea. The awards ceremony was held at Coex hall C on this 26th. This award is hosted by 'Korean Ministry of SME and Startup' ...
MOU with INNOTIVE INC, a shopping mall platform of Korea.
[2019.7.19] VisualCamp has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with INNOTIVE INC. to co-develop shopping curating solution for mobile shopping application. INNOTIVE INC is an innovative e-commerce venture company provides e-commerce service and app platform services for mobile shopping mall. INNOTIVE INC operates styleview, Instore, and ...
VisualCamp takes eye-tracking tech to next level – The Korea Times
[2019.6.19] Eye-tracking technology has long been applied in cognitive research and medicine, given that studying eye movements can lead to understanding of some human behaviors. Likewise, gaze analysis has been regarded as important data for predicting a subject's area of interest and intentions. However, modern ...
MoU with B&VIIT Eye Center for Dyslexia pre-diagnosis solution.
[2019.6.4] VisualCamp has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with B&VIIT Eye Center for Dyslexia pre-diagnosis solution development. B&VIIT Eye Center is expert at vision improving technique and has been fixed many ophthalmic diseases for 25 years. VisualCamp and B&VIIT Eye Center will co-develop dyslexia pre-diagnosis ...
MoU with Konkuk University Department of Rehabilitation Medicine for unconscious patients.
[2019.4.3] VisualCamp signed an agreement with Konkuk University Department of Rehabilitation Medicine to develop a model for diagnosing unconscious patients' condition using VR eye -gaze data. The Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, affiliated with Konkuk University Hospital, one of advanced hospital of Seoul, has taken the ...
VisualCamp won 3rd prize from ‘The 6th Dongseung Cup International Entrepreneurship Competition’.
[2018.12.13] VisualCamp won the 3rd prize from Dongseung Cup International Entrepreneurship Competition December 13th in Beijing , China by recognizing its eye-tracking technologies for VR and Mobile devices. Dongseung Cup hold internationally by Beijing Science cooperation center and Institution of Zhongguancun Dongseung Science and Technology ...