VisualCamp’s SeeSo won the GLOMO Award 2021 in Best Mobile Innovation for Connected Living. GLOMOs is recognized as prominent award in mobile and communication industry.

The judges said, “With proven success in learning environments and in e-reader applications, SeeSo, AI based eye tracking SDK unlocks new possibilities in accessibility and usability across mobile platforms.”

SeeSo has provided to Korean top education companies and e-book reading platform last year. This references shifted the way of learning and reading the e-book in mobile device.

GSMA CEO, John Hoffman said,“Congratulations to all the winners and nominees of the GSMA’s GLOMO Awards 2021. You truly embody the theme of this year’s event, Connected Impact. Given the particularly challenging circumstances we’ve all faced over the last year, it’s more important than ever to come together to recognize the incredible innovation and ingenuity shaping our industry, as well as the positive impact this is making on the world around us.”

Since the initial launching in April 2020, SeeSo has been updating SDk to strengthen the accuracy, robustness, and development platforms. Recently it added User Status APIs to help developers to track attention levels. drowsiness, and blinking more easily.

With ease of integration, SeeSo has provided top Korean education companies the ability to monitor students’ progressions effectively in remote learning environment and has innovated the mobile e-book platform Mille with gaze page turning interfaces.

VisualCamp CEO YunChan Suk said, “We are trying to bring eye tracking software into our daily lives. SeeSo is, in an accessible way, addressing problems we have heard from many of customers across different fields. We are glad GSMA judges recognize our efforts and the value of SeeSo. it is just the beginning. SeeSo will change many industries, and we are looking forward to the future.”

The Global Mobile(GLOMO) Award is known as the highest honor in mobile industry hosted by GSMA, the international organization representing mobile and ICT industry. This year, GLOMO Award ceremony was held online.

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