VisualCamp has selected as top 10 companies and won the award for excellence at the 2019 World Conference on VR Industry (WCVRI ), which was held at Nokji International Expo Center in Nanchang, China on October 21st.
The competition has been held by China Ministry of Industry and Information Technology(MIIT) and Government of Jiangxi Province People. It’s known as receiving spotlight from Chinese Government and global companies. VR/MR Companies such as Huawei, Sinopec, HTC VIVE, and Retin VR were also participated in this conference.
In the tournament, 60 companies, recommended by mentors in each field in five countries — China, France, Germany, US and South Korea — were selected for semifinal and final. VisualCamp honor of being ranked in the top five through its final pitching after being selected for 10 companies advancing to the final. VisualCamp won 5,000 yuan in prize money, along with the award for excellence.

Seung Woo Lee, Chines marketing director said, “Many VR manufacturing companies are focusing on to make light and portable HMD.” and also said, “VisualCamp’s eye-tracking technology is suitable for mobile environment. With this advantage, we will penetrate this market.”
Press Release(KOR):