[2020.03.11] The eye tracking and gaze analytic tech startup, VisualCamp, released on March 5th “SeeSo Web Analysis”, a mobile web analysis app, for free. SeeSo Web Analysis is an app where a user can enter a web URL and track their eyes as they use the website. The app then provides an analysis of gaze data in real time.
Their analytics provide where you are focusing through heatmap, the path you visually take, and how long you are looking. Currently SeeSo Web Analysis is available on the iOS App Store with the Android version to be released next.
Yunchan Suk, CEO of VisualCamp, said, “There has been limited access for eye tracking to the public. With VisualCamp, I hope more people can have access and leverage this technology.”
VisualCamp introduced the first eye tracking software using only the front camera in smartphones in 2018 and has provided demo apps with mobile eye tracking on a request basis to this date. They have developed six demo apps such as Eye Scrolling, Eye Game, and Eye Page Turner.
VisualCamp developed a demo app that recommends products based on gaze data, rather than clicks, in mobile shopping malls as a Proof of Concept (PoC) in September last year with the support of CJ. They tested them on 101 women in their 20s and 30s. According to the test, 71.2% of their testers responded to the recommend product based on their gaze data. VisualCamp found it is possible to indirectly infer user’s purchasing tendencies by quantitatively identifying where people fixated whether it was images, prices, and reviews. These tendencies in a mobile shopping dominant era are a major concern for e-commerce when they try to do personalized marketing and advertising with videos.
Yunchan Suk said, “We are confident that collecting and analyzing user’s gaze data from smartphones will bring new changes to the mobile market in the future. It will be useful not only for corporations who want to help their customer base, but also for individual developers and designers in UX to utilize eye tracking and gaze analysis.”
- SeeSo Web Analysis Download
- Press Release(KOR): https://platum.kr/archives/137469
- Press Release(ENG): https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/visualcamp-releases-free-mobile-web-analysis-app-301019500.html