Eyes Don't Lie



VisualCamp and Blaubit sign MOU to develop online eye tracking proctoring solution

[2020.07.22] VisualCamp, eye tracking software developing company and Blaubit, deep learning AI solution developing company announced yesterday that they have signed to co-develop online eye tracking proctoring solution. VisualCamp and Blaubit will develop solutions for identification, prevention of fraud attendant, visual attention measuring, and proctoring ...

July 23rd, 2020|

VisualCamp Launches SeeSo, Mobile Eye Tracking SDK-Aiming to alleviate some COVID-19 anxiety

  [2020.04.13] On the 13th of April, VisualCamp announced its official launch of SeeSo’s website. SeeSo is a mobile eye tracking and gaze analytic SDK that allows developers to know where users are looking and their concentration. This site is an SDK management all-in-one platform ...

April 16th, 2020|

Selected as top 10 companies from 2019 World Conference on VR Industry

[2019.10.31] VisualCamp has selected as top 10 companies and won the award for excellence at the 2019 World Conference on VR Industry (WCVRI ), which was held at Nokji International Expo Center in Nanchang, China on October 21st. The competition has been held by China ...

March 17th, 2020|

VisualCamp has selected as ‘First Penguin corporation’ by KODIT.

[2019.09.17] VisualCamp become 'First Penguin corporation' from Korean Credit Guarantee Fund(KODIT). First Penguine Program is given to innovative startups under five years old. It guarantees up to 3 billion KRW for 3 years. VisualCamp's CEO Suk Yun Chan said "I am glad that eye-tracking technology ...

March 17th, 2020|